We walked across the border to Malawi from Tanzania, with no transport arrangements on the other side. We walked out of immigration straight into an empty parking lot. That was a bit disconcerting. :-) Hrm... What to do? We put on our backpacks and began to walk south down the road. Last comment 08/12/20.
Viewed: 1454 times.
We flagged down the first car we saw and luckily were able to get a lift into the nearest town, where we were able to arrange transport onward. whew!
Malawi is so beautiful! These pictures were shot from a moving car. I love the little farm cottages that dotted the countryside. Last comment 02/12/12.
Viewed: 1516 times.
We couldn't quite tell if the darker blue near the horizon was actually Lake Malawi or the sky - later it became clear that it actually was the lake. Last comment 08/13/20.
Viewed: 1347 times.
This was our little cottage at the Njaya Lodge in Nkhata Bay. Renting this set us back $16/night. So steep! Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1357 times.
We did have to share the place with many lizards and one mammoth spider.. I didn't get the sense however that they were paying as much rent as we were. Last comment 08/13/20.
Viewed: 1378 times.
This was the view of the lake from our front porch. So nice.. Unfortunately I started to get the flu early while I was here so I couldn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped. Last comment 02/12/12.
Viewed: 1626 times.
Up the hill from our cottage was the main lodge where we could eat. The meals were cheap and plentiful and the view was stunning! Last comment 08/11/20.
Viewed: 1488 times.
Since I was sick and less than mobile, I spent a good deal of time hanging out here and trying to hydrate as best as I could. I also got in trouble with the bartender behind me for purchasing custom hand carved key chains from a local boy. We were supposed to conduct business on hotel grounds. Sorry! :-) Last comment 08/12/20.
Viewed: 1403 times.
Lake Malawi is the ninth largest in the world, and it has more species of fish than any other lake in the world. Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1431 times.