Mom stands in the Arabian Sea.. Also called the Persian Gulf. Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1270 times.
It was so windy! Dad has lost his hat.. Last comment 07/17/22.
Viewed: 1284 times.
We were popular that day - everyone wanted to take pictures with us. Last comment 03/25/13.
Viewed: 1358 times.
Mom and dad take in the view of the Arabian Sea from atop a sand dune. Last comment 07/17/22.
Viewed: 1353 times.
Mom's favorite part was walking down the powder soft dunes. Dad and I had more fun driving my truck up, over and around the dunes. Last comment 01/06/17.
Viewed: 1259 times.
Camels in a sandstorm - so very Lawrence of Arabia. Good thing we had my truck. :-) Last comment 04/26/13.
Viewed: 1228 times.
Now this gentleman seemed to have a particular interest in taking pictures with Julie. Dad prepares himself for the upcoming battle.. Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1752 times.
It was so good to have them come and visit! It had been almost a year since we'd been able to hang out... Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1414 times.
...and horse around. :-) Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1269 times.