Burkina Faso: Wagadougou, Elizabeth's Tenado and SIAO 
Near the town of Banfora there are famous rock formations known as the Domes de Fabedougou.
Near the town of Banfora there are famous rock formations known as the Domes de Fabedougou.
Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1300 times.

These rocks stand at the entrance.
These rocks stand at the entrance.
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1180 times.

Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1219 times.

Apparently no one sent me the "stand on one foot and hit on my girlfriend" memo..
Apparently no one sent me the "stand on one foot and hit on my girlfriend" memo..
Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1365 times.

Here it is, the evidence we've been looking for!  Sara /did/ try to kill me in Africa..
Here it is, the evidence we've been looking for! Sara /did/ try to kill me in Africa..
Last comment 01/06/17.
Viewed: 1310 times.

We take some well deserved rest before we started the hike back down.
We take some well deserved rest before we started the hike back down.
Last comment 07/17/22.
Viewed: 1531 times.

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