The Mkhaya Game Reserve is home to many species of game, most notably a sizable population of the endangered Black Rhino.
Viewed: 1085 times.
It was also the site of the so called "Rhino War" from 1988-1992. Poachers were killing an average of 1 rhino a week during this period, and that number grew to 3 a day near the end. The proprietor of the reserve petitioned the King to allow his rangers to carry the same automatic weapons that the poachers had, and after a few bloody shootouts the war was over. All that remain of it are these Rhino skulls.
Viewed: 1037 times.
This poor guy has foam taped over his horns to prevent him and the other males of his species from killing each other over mating rights. Talk about emasculating! Last comment 07/16/22.
Viewed: 1129 times.
Giraffes seem to like to hide behind bushes that just aren't tall enough to do the job.. I see you! Last comment 08/13/20.
Viewed: 1094 times.
Still bitter towards zebras since one tried to kick me in Zambia. Grr.. Last comment 01/20/17.
Viewed: 1195 times.
We drove away pretty quickly when this water buffalo started acting aggressively towards out jeep. Last comment 12/16/16.
Viewed: 1081 times.
Here they are, the stars of the reserve! Last comment 08/13/20.
Viewed: 1028 times.
I just love the tree and sky in this picture. Oh yeah and there are some elephants too. :-) Last comment 02/13/12.
Viewed: 1260 times.
Have you noticed how happy we seem while eating on our Southern Africa? We had so much great food! Last comment 07/17/22.
Viewed: 4868 times.