Upon leaving Marrakesh, my foot was feeling a little heavy and I was pulled over by the police for speeding. It soon became apparent that all they were interested in was money. We didn't have enough. They took our licenses and had us drive to the lone ATM around. It was broken. We searched for another, but couldn't find any.. The police had come looking for us by this point. Last comment 08/12/20.
Viewed: 1078 times.
So I had to put on my most pitiful face and tell the officer that the ATM was broken and we were trying to find another one. He gave me a long hard look, and then asked exactly how much we had on us. We had about $20.. He took and that and we were back on our merry way.
These pomegranates were delicious and cheap, and never tried to milk us for cash once. Last comment 03/05/08.
Viewed: 1107 times.
It seemed like the whole drive back to Casablanca we were seeing overflowing pomegranate stands. Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 971 times.
This is the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca. It is the largest mosque in the world after mecca. Last comment 03/17/15.
Viewed: 1052 times.
It is situated right on the Atlantic coast beach. Last comment 03/26/13.
Viewed: 1055 times.
We spent the afternoon here catching some rays and killing time until we had to catch our flight. Last comment 08/12/20.
Viewed: 1024 times.
We had a leisurely dinner... Last comment 02/12/12.
Viewed: 1017 times.
...and then ventured over to Rick's Cafe. It is modeled after the one in Casablanca the movie.
Viewed: 988 times.
Believe me, we have plenty of time to get to the airport! We didn't. Especially after I got lost. :-) But we made it.. Last comment 12/16/16.
Viewed: 1131 times.