Southern Africa Adventure - Cape Town Area 
After 5 weeks of roughing it we decided that a week relaxing in Cape Town was in order.  In the middle of the city there is a striking mountain called Table Mountain.
After 5 weeks of roughing it we decided that a week relaxing in Cape Town was in order. In the middle of the city there is a striking mountain called Table Mountain.
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1358 times.

We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain.  There are a few trails to hike up, but we were ready for some r&r..  :-)
We took a cable car up to the top of the mountain. There are a few trails to hike up, but we were ready for some r&r.. :-)
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1327 times.

The city of Cape Town surrounds the mountain.  Here is a view of a piece of it.
The city of Cape Town surrounds the mountain. Here is a view of a piece of it.
Last comment 05/15/22.
Viewed: 1237 times.

Sara is atop the world!!
Sara is atop the world!!
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1214 times.

After hiking around the top for a while, we got a bit lost in the clouds..  Luckily we were able to find out way out just before it got dark..
After hiking around the top for a while, we got a bit lost in the clouds.. Luckily we were able to find out way out just before it got dark..
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1254 times.

..and had a chance to see the beautiful sunset.
..and had a chance to see the beautiful sunset.
Last comment 08/12/20.
Viewed: 1293 times.

The next day we went to an apartheid museum.  This document details how each race was defined by law.
The next day we went to an apartheid museum. This document details how each race was defined by law.
Viewed: 1239 times.

We also took a tour of a nearby township.  Townships are makeshift towns and cities constructed by displaced and immigrant native Africans looking for work in the city.  When they get to a certain size the South African government constructs sewage, electric  and water facilities for them.
We also took a tour of a nearby township. Townships are makeshift towns and cities constructed by displaced and immigrant native Africans looking for work in the city. When they get to a certain size the South African government constructs sewage, electric and water facilities for them.
Last comment 04/19/22.
Viewed: 1301 times.

We visited Vicky's B&B during the tour. She has two rooms and operates the only B&B in a township.  Most of the proceeds of her business go toward helping the neighborhood children.
We visited Vicky's B&B during the tour. She has two rooms and operates the only B&B in a township. Most of the proceeds of her business go toward helping the neighborhood children.
Last comment 07/26/14.
Viewed: 1321 times.

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